
Mornings are peaceful

I tend to get to work pretty late in the day (almost afternoon). Today i came in around 7 AM, and it was such a stark contrast. There's this quality that early morning has that you miss if you wake up late. A kind of peace in the air that quickly fades away as the sun rises higher in the sky and the day to day bustle starts to replace the serene silence. I don't think I'll ever be a morning person, but I do know what I'm missing out on. I'm going to make a point to try to wake up early at least once a week. Hmm... or maybe bi-weekly. Or monthly. hehe :)


God Must Be a Gamer

I don't subscribe much to religion, but if they start changing up the tunes like this I just might start attending church:


Blogging From 10,000 Feet

I'm currently sitting in an airplane using the internet. I normally don't blog about things that happen to me on a day to day basis, but this feels like being part of history and I wanted to record it for posterity. I know Virgin has started doing this across much of their fleet, but its still pretty damn cool. I highly recommend flying with them. Their in flight entertainment system is amazing and the interior of the plane is sleek and new. Still has that new plane smell :). Even internet can't distract me from how much I dislike flying. Sucks.


I'm on a boat!

Sometimes I feel like these digital shorts are the only thing keeping SNL afloat.


What the hell happened to Joaquin Phoenix?

Is this an act, or is he really gone crazy? And holy crap, what the hell is going on here:

Sounds like someone has had one too many lines of coke. What happened to this guy?


I watch a ridiculous amount of TV.

I recently realized that I've been watching alot of TV. Oddly this has not made me less productive. If anything I feel like I concentrate better when I have some TV on in the background. At least it keeps me sane while I'm working from home.

I actually don't DVR shows much anymore, I've finally joined the growing group of people who download television. All you need is uTorrent and tvRSS and you're set. Having a big hardrive to put your downloads in helps :)

Shows I'm currently watching:

1. House

This show is awesome. The acting is good, the medicine seems realistic enough, and they succeed in bringing up ethical issues without preaching to the audience.

2. Friday Night Lights

My friends Eric and Vish have been talking about this show forever, so I finally took the time to watch through the first season. Possibly one of the best television shows ever made. If you haven't made time to watch it, do so.

3. Burn Notice

If the fact that Bruce Campbell is on this show isn't enough to convince you of how awesome it is, then you're a lost cause in my book. When I first saw the previews for this, it seemed like a show I would never spend any time on but after watching the first few episodes I got hooked. It's a funny, intelligent and highly entertaining.

4. How I Met Your Mother

Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel really make this show what it is. Possibly the two funniest people on television.

5. Trust Me

Only three episodes in but I'm already hooked. Been a big fan of Thomas Cavanagh since "Ed", glad to see him in a lead role again.

I'm not listing a bunch of shows that don't need plugging, since everyone knows they're awesome like The Office, 30 Rock, Lost, etc.

Chaotic Awesome